About me

I’m Kumail. My favorite band is The Killers and I love to surf. I’m also a designer and software engineer, with over a decade of industry experience. I’ve worked at global firms like McKinsey & Company, and tech startups like Dubizzle and Broadly.

Now I work 1 on 1 with founders to solve complex technological problems. Whether using bespoke user interface design, software architecture, engineering, integrations and more. I'm currently accepting projects for July. Please book an intro call to learn how I can help your business.

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Client Work

Landing Page samples

Mobile App samples

Web App samples


Bored Reading

Bored Reading

The best way to read blogs.

Bored Reading


Buy a profitable or pre-revenue startup.

Also made ProductKit, ResponsiveElements, GridForms, FishyReader, Flakes, FormBakery (acquired by FormKeep)

Schedule an intro call

Your first intro call is free. I try and provide value even in the free calls, so book now.

Incorporated as Fleet Global FZ LLC
Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates

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